District meeting called to discuss proposal for community hall. Decision to build hall on land donated by Mr John Little.
The hall was officially opened on the 12th of September 1924 by Mr John Little.
Function to farewell soldiers to WWII.
Hall leased to Glenmark Rugby Club.
A fire on the 28th of August severely damages the hall.
A rebuild of the hall commences, overseen by the Rebuild Committee comprising of Alex Baxter (President), Nick Hamilton (Secretary), Leighton Croft (Treasurer), Andy Munro, Alex Wyllie, Craig Tomlinson, Andy Evans, Daniel Smith, Robert Sloss, Mark Lowry, Gary Tomes and Emma Dormer.
Overseen by the Rebuild Committee, a new hall returns as a hub for the community.
The Omihi Community Hall Rebuild Committee wish to acknowledge the support from local families, individuals, organisations, companies and community groups who have been involved through generous donations of time, money, resources and bequests to ensure the legacy and successful rebuild of the hall.
Thank you to
The Little, Sloss, Baxter, Wyllie, Doak, McLachlan, McLean, Schouten, Harris, Munro, and Burrows families.
Mainpower, Rātā Foundation, Hurunui District Council, Daniel Smith Industries Ltd, Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete Ltd, GVT Landline, SOL Shingle Ltd, Misco Joinery, Next Dore, John Shepherd Contracting, Dormer Construction Ltd, Visitor Solutions, BCP Bartlett Concrete, and all the ‘Buy A Brick’ contributors and community groups.